Our Motto - "Don't Be Snarky"

Our Motto - "Don't Be Snarky"

Friday, September 30, 2011

Turn Signal Idiots

For the last twenty or so years I have noticed (here in Los Angeles, at least) the very bad habit that drivers have adopted. The turn-signal was invented for a reason I think, and a good one at that. It is nice to know that the driver in front of you is about to slow down and make a turn, no? Also...the turn signal is for use BEFORE you move into the turn lane - not after you have gotten into the TURN lane. I have been curious to who these people are. I always try to see if they are white or black or hispanic or asian or old or young or male or female. Well guess what! My unscientific analysis has shown that they are usually.........all kinds of idiots! Usually I have been against the death penalty, but I'm rethinking my position.


Welcome! This blog will be an attempt to call out stupid comments, actions, ideas,  or policies of any person or party or organization regardless of political affiliation or social status. Have a feeling targets will come my way.